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Type: Document
Titlesort descending Creator Date Subjects
A Framework for Modeling Anthropogenic Impacts on Waterbird Habitats—Addressing Future Uncertainty in Conservation Planning Matchett, E.L., J.P. Fleskes, C.A. Young, D.R. Purkey January, 2015 waterbirds, bird conservation, conservation planning, decision making under uncertainty
A Tribal White Paper on Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Intertribal Climate Change Working Group 2009 indigenous peoples, climate change impacts, climate change adaptation
Adapting to Climate Change State of the Science for North Bay Watersheds: A Guide for Managers Lisa Micheli, Lorraine Flint, Alan Flint, Morgan Kennedy,Stuart Weiss, Ryan Branciforte December, 2010 downscaling, hydrology, case studies
Adapting to Sea Level Rise: A Guide for California’s Coastal Communities Russell, Nicole and Griggs, Gary 2012 sea level rise
Change Vinyeta, Kristen 2012 traditional ecological knowledge, climate change adaptation, climate change impacts
California Bird Species of Special Concern Shuford, D. W. and Gardali, T, Editors 2008 birds
California Climate Adaptation Planning Guide State of California July 2012 vulnerability assessment, adaptation planning, human communities
California heat waves California-Nevada Climate Applications Program 2015 extreme heat, temperature, climate change impacts
California Landscape Conservation Cooperative; Creating Science-Based Tools for on-the-Ground Climate Change Planning and Adaptation San Francisco Estuary Partnership February, 2013 conservation planning, climate change research
California Landscape Conservation Cooperative; Placing Science-Based Tools in the Hands of Land and Resource Managers Planning for Climate Change San Francisco Estuary Partnership March, 2014 conservation planning, climate change research
California precipitation California-Nevada Climate Applications Program 2015 precipitation, atmospheric rivers
California Water Plan Update 2013 California Resources Agency 2013 water resources
Cattle Grazing Mediates Climate Change Impacts on Ephemeral Wetlands Pyke, C. R., and J. Marty. 2005 grazing, rangelands, vernal pools
Climate Change Adaptation Strategies for Focal Resources of the Sierra Nevada EcoAdapt 2014 vulnerability assessment, climate change adaptation, biodiversity
Climate Change Communications and Engagement Strategy U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service National Wildlife Refuge System February, 2014 communication about climate change
Climate Change Impacts on Tribal Resources Tulalip Natural Resources Department 2006 traditional ecological knowledge, climate variability, climate change
Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment for Natural Resources Management: Toolbox of Methods with Case Studies Kurt A. Johnson May 10, 2014 vulnerability assessment
Climate change, genetic markers and species distribution modelling Gotelli, Nicholas J. and John Stanton-Geddes 2015 species distribution modeling, ecological genetics, biodiversity
Climate Change: Confronting the Challenge California Department of Fish and Game 2010 resource management, wildlife
Climate Change: Evaluating Your Local and Regional Water Resources: U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet Flint, Lorraine E., Alan L. Flint, James H. Thorne February, 2015 California Basin Characterization Model, hydrology, climate change projections, downscaled climate data, water resources
Climate Ready Sonoma County: Climate Hazards and Vulnerabilities Cornwall, C., S. Moore, D. DiPietro, S. Veloz, L. Micheli, L.Casey, M. Mersich 2015 climate adaptation, climate change impacts
Complex interactions between biota, landscapes and native peoples Fragoso, Jose M. V. and Reo, Nicholas J. 2013 traditional ecological knowledge, indigenous peoples, resource management
Culture Card - A Guide to Build Cultural Awareness - American Indian and Alaska Native Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration 2009 human communities, indigenous peoples
Definition and Principles for Climate Smart Conservation Ellie Cohen, Point Blue Conservation Science September, 2013 climate-smart conservation
Drought in Southern California 2015 drought, water resources, climate change impacts
Drought in Southern California California-Nevada Climate Applications Program 2015 drought, water resources, climate change impacts
El Niño in California and Nevada California-Nevada Climate Applications Program 2015 El Niño - Southern Oscillation, flooding, precipitation
Forest Project Protocol Version 3.2 Climate Action Reserve 2010 carbon sequestration, monitoring and assessment protocols, forest management
From projected species distribution to food-web structure under climate change Albouli, Camille, Velez, Laurie, Coll, Marta, Colloca, Francesco, Le Loch, François, Mouillot, David, and Gravel, Dominique 2013 food webs, biodiversity, fish
Geographical variation in the influence of habitat and climate on site occupancy turnover in American pika (Ochotona princeps) Rodhouse, Thomas J., Mackenzie R. Jeffress, Kirk R. Sherrill, Sean R. Mohren, Nancy J. Nordensten, Michael L. Magnuson, Donelle Schwalm, Jessica A. Castillo, Matthew Shinderman, and Clinton W. Epp 2018 American pika, extreme events, snowpack
Guarding Against Exploitation: Protecting Indigenous Knowledge in the Age of Climate Change Brewer, Joseph II and Kronk Warner, Elizabeth Ann 2015 traditional ecological knowledge, epistemology, climate change adaptation
Guidelines for Considering Traditional Knowledges in Climate Change Initiatives Department of Interior Advisory Committee on Climate Change and Natural Resource Science 2014 resource management, climate change adaptation, traditional ecological knowledge
How are we adapting to climate change? A global assessment Lesnikowski, Alexandra C., Ford, James D., Berrang-Ford, Lea, Barrera, Magda, and Heymann, Jody 2013 climate change adaptation, vulnerability assessment
Indigenous Peoples and Northwest Climate Initiatives: Exploring the Role of Traditional Ecological Knowledge in Resource Management Viles, Carson 2013 traditional ecological knowledge, resource management, climate change adaptation
Interactions between Habitat Loss and Climate Change: Implications for Fairy Shrimp in the Central Valley Ecoregion of California, USA Pyke, C. R. 2005 vernal pools
Meadow Restoration to Sustain Stream Flows and Native Trout Henery, Rene, Purdy, Sabra, Williams, Jack, Hatch, Jenny, Fesenmyer, Kurt, Drew, Mark, Lass, David, and Knight, Curtis. 2011 meadows, restoration, ecosystem services
National Fish, Wildlife and Plants Climate Adaptation Strategy U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration March, 2013 fish, wildlife, plants, climate change adaptation
Near-future forest vulnerability to drought and fire varies across the western United States Buotte, P. C. et al. 2018-11 drought, wildfire, forests, climate change vulnerability
Preparing for Climate Change: A Guidebook for Local, Regional and State Governments Climate Impact Group 2007 sea level rise
Projected Effects of Climate Change in California: Ecoregional Summaries Emphasizing Consequences for Wildlife Gardali, T., Howell, C., Seavy, N., Shuford, W. D., Stralberg, D. 2011 climate change impacts
Quick Guide to Climate-Smart Conservation Stein, B., P. Glick, N. Edelson, and A. Staudt 2013 climate-smart conservation, wildlife, climate change adaptation
San Francisco Bay Area Coastal Study California Coastal Analysis and Mapping Project 2012-09 coastal flooding, extreme events, sea level rise
Sierra Nevada Ecosystem Vulnerability Assessment Technical Synthesis: Chaparral Hauptfeld, R.S., Kershner, J. M., and Feifel, K. M. 2014 chaparral, vulnerability assessment, biodiversity
Sierra Nevada Ecosystem Vulnerability Assessment Technical Synthesis: Oak Woodlands Hauptfeld, R.S., Kershner, J. M., and Feifel, K. M. 2014 oak woodlands, vulnerability assessment, biodiversity
Sierra Nevada snowpack California-Nevada Climate Applications Program 2016 snowpack, climate change impacts, water resources
State of California Sea-Level Rise Guidance Document Coastal and Ocean Working Group of the California Climate Action Team (CO-CAT) 2013 sea level rise
Studies of Climate Change in the Yukon River Basin—Connecting Community and Science Through a Unique Partnership Schuster, Paul F. and Maracle, Karonhiakta'tie Bryan 2010 water management, water resources, climate change impacts
Sub-seasonal to seasonal forecasting California-Nevada Climate Applications Program 2017 climate modeling, weather
Temperature impacts on the water year 2014 drought in California Shukla, Shraddhanand, Safeeq, Mohammad, AghaKouchak, Amir, Guan, Kaiyu, and Funk, Chris 2015 drought, temperature, climate monitoring
The Beginner’s Guide to Representative Concentration Pathways Wayne, Graham 2013 emissions scenarios, climate change projections
The iCASS Platform: Nine principles for landscape conservation design Campellone, Robert M., Kristina M. Chouinard, Nicholas A. Fisichelli, John A. Gallo, Joseph R. Lujan, Ronald J. McCormick, Thomas A. Miewald, Brent A. Murry, D. John Pierce, and Daniel R. Shively 2018 landscape conservation design, biodiversity management
Tools for Coastal Climate Adaptation Planning: A guide for selecting tools to assist with ecosystem-based climate planning Rozum, John S. and Carr, Sarah D. March 2013 sea level rise, coastal adaptation planning, adaptation planning
Traditional Ecological Knowledge for Application by Service Scientists U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service 2011 traditional ecological knowledge, resource management
Traditional ecological knowledge: an important facel of natural resources conservation. Technical Note 1. Anderson, M. Kat n.d. traditional ecological knowledge, resource management, biodiversity management
Unique Challenges Facing Southwestern Tribes Redsteer, Margaret Hiza, Bemis, Kirk, Chief, Karletta, Gautam, Mahesh, Middleton, Beth Rose, and Tsosie, Rebecca 2013 indigenous peoples, climate change impacts, resilience
USGS Factsheet: Future Scenarios of Impacts to Ecosystem Services on California Rangelands Byrd, Kristin., Alvarez, Pelayo., Flint, Lorriane, and Flint, Alan 2014 rangelands, ecosystem services
Using Scenarios to Explore Climate Change: A Handbook for Practitioners Rose, Matthew, and Star, Jonathan 2013 scenario planning, climate change adaptation
Western Regional Action Plan (WRAP) : NOAA Fisheries climate science strategy NOAA Southwest Fisheries Science Center November, 2016 fisheries, native fishes
What is a GCM? IPCC 2013 global circulation models
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