A method for physically based model analysis of conjunctive use in response to potential climate changes |
Hanson, R. T., Flint, L. E., Flint, A. L, Dettinger, M. D., Faunt, C. C., Cayan, Dan, and Schmid, Wolfgang |
2012 |
precipitation, groundwater, hydrology, climate change impacts, case studies |
Adaptation services of floodplains and wetlands under transformational climate change |
Colloff, Matthew J., Sandra Lavorel, Russell M. Wise, Michael Dunlop, Ian C. Overton, and Kristen J. Williams |
2016 |
ecosystem services, hydrology, climate change impacts, wetlands, case studies |
Adapting to Climate Change State of the Science for North Bay Watersheds: A Guide for Managers |
Lisa Micheli, Lorraine Flint, Alan Flint, Morgan Kennedy,Stuart Weiss, Ryan Branciforte |
December, 2010 |
downscaling, hydrology, case studies |
Climate Change: Evaluating Your Local and Regional Water Resources: U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet |
Flint, Lorraine E., Alan L. Flint, James H. Thorne |
February, 2015 |
California Basin Characterization Model, hydrology, climate change projections, downscaled climate data, water resources |
Downscaling future climate projections to the watershed scale: a North San Francisco Bay Estuary case study |
Micheli, Elisabeth, Flint, Lorraine, Flint, Alan, Weiss, Stuart , and Kennedy, Morgan |
2012 |
case studies, climate change impacts, hydrology, downscaling, Basin Characterization Model, stream flow, groundwater recharge, climatic water deficit |
Fine-scale hydrologic modeling for regional landscape applications: the California Basin Characterization Model development and performance |
Flint Lorraine E., Flint, Alan L., Thorne, James H., and Boynton, Ryan |
2013 |
water balance, hydrology, downscaling, climatic water deficit |
Hydrologic refugia, plants, and climate change |
McLaughlin, Blair C., David D. Ackerly, P. Zion Klos, Jennifer Natali, Todd E. Dawson, and Sally E. Thompson |
2017 |
climate refugia, hydrology, microclimatology, climate change impacts on biodiversity, oak woodlands |
Hydrologic response and watershed sensitivity to climate warming in California's Sierra Nevada |
Null, Sarah E., Viers, Joshua H., and Mount, Jeffrey F. |
2010 |
hydrology, Sierra Nevada, water management |
Montane Meadows in the Sierra Nevada: Changing Hydroclimatic Conditions and Concepts for Vulnerability Assessment |
Viers, Joshua, Purdy, Sabra, Peek, Ryan, Fryjoff-Hung, Anna, Santos, Nicholas, Katz, Jacob, Emmons, Jason, Dolan, Danielle, and Yarnell, Sarah |
2013 |
wetlands, hydrology, biodiversity |
Potential effects of global warming on the Sacramento/San Joaquin watershed and the San Francisco estuary |
Knowles, Noah and Cayan, Daniel R. |
2002 |
hydrology, hydrologic modeling, climate change impacts |
Present Weather and Climate: Evolving Conditions |
Hoerling, M., Dettinger, M., Wolter, K., Lukas, J., Eischeid, J., Nemani, R., Liebmann, B., Kunkel, K.E. |
2013 |
climate change, paleoclimates, hydrology |
Principal hydrologic responses to climatic and geologic variability in the Sierra Nevada, California |
Peterson, David H., Stewart, Iris, and Murphy, Fred |
2008 |
hydrology, climate science |
Selecting climate change scenarios using impact-relevant sensitivities |
Vano, Julie A., John B. Kim, David E. Rupp, and Philip W. Mote |
2015 |
scenario planning, climate change impacts, carbon storage, hydrology |
Simulation of Climate Change in San Francisco Bay Basins, California: Case Studies in the Russian River Valley and Santa Cruz Mountains |
Flint, Lorraine.E., and Flint, Alan.L. |
2012 |
hydrology, redwoods, climate change impacts, case studies |
The magnitude and spatial patterns of historical and future hydrologic change in California’s watersheds |
Thorne, James H., Ryan Boynton, Lorraine E. Flint, Alan L. Flint |
February, 2015 |
climate change projections, hydrology, downscaled climate data |
The Terrestrial Biodiversity Climate Change Collaborative (TBC3): an Interdisciplinary Strategy for Advancing Science-based Conservation |
Micheli, E., and Ackerly, D. |
December, 2013 |
hydrology, biodiversity, resilience |
Water/Wastewater Utilities and Extreme Climate and Weather Events; Case Studies On Community Response, Lessons Learned, Adaptation, And Planning Needs For The Future |
Beller-Simms, N., E. Brown, L. Fillmore, K. Metchis, K. Ozekin, C. Ternieden, and K. Lackey |
2014 |
water resources, hydrology |