Scenario Planning for Climate Change Adaptation: A Guidance for Resource Managers |
Moore, Sara S., Seavy, Nathaniel E., and Gerhart, Matt |
2013 |
scenario planning, climate change adaptation |
Scenario planning: a tool for conservation in an uncertain world |
Peterson, Garry D., Cumming, Graeme S., and Carpenter, Stephen R. |
2003 |
biodiversity management, biological conservation, conservation planning |
Scenario-neutral approach to climate change impact studies: application to flood risk |
Prudhomme, C., Wilby, R. L., Crooks, S., Kay, A. L. and Reynard, N. S. |
2010 |
vulnerability assessment, scenario planning, climate change impacts, hydrologic modeling |
Scenarios that illuminate vulnerabilities and robust responses |
Lempert, Robert |
2013 |
adaptive management, scenario planning, decision making |
Scenarios to Evaluate Long‐Term Wildfire Risk in California: New Methods for Considering Links Between Changing Demography, Land Use, and Climate |
Bryant, Benjamin P., and Westerling, Anthony L. |
2012 |
wildfire, climate change adaptation |
Sea Slugs as Brilliant Indicators of Climate Change in Central California |
Goddard, Jeffrey H. R., Pearse, John S., and Gosliner, Terrence M. |
2011 |
invertebrates, marine ecosystems, biodiversity |
Sea-level rise and refuge habitats for tidal marsh species: Can artificial islands save the California Ridgway’s rail? |
Overton, CT, JY Takekawa, ML Casazza, TD Bui, M Holyoak, DR Strong |
2014 |
sea level rise, tidal marshes, Ridgeway's rail (California clapper rail) |
Sea-Level Rise for the Coasts of California, Oregon, and Washington: Past, Present, and Future |
National Research Council |
2012 |
sea level rise, climate change impacts |
Sea-level Rise for the Coasts of California, Oregon, and Washington: Past, Present, Future |
National Research Council |
2012 |
sea level rise, coastal zone management |
Searching for the place of biodiversity in the ecosystem services discourse |
Jax, Kurt and Heink, Ulrich |
2015 |
ecosystem services, biological conservation, biodiversity management |
Selecting climate change scenarios using impact-relevant sensitivities |
Vano, Julie A., John B. Kim, David E. Rupp, and Philip W. Mote |
2015 |
scenario planning, climate change impacts, carbon storage, hydrology |
Selecting climate simulations for impact studies based on multivariate patterns of climate change |
Mendlik, Thomas, and Andreas Gobiet |
2015 |
climate modeling, model uncertainty, statistical methods |
Selecting CMIP5 GCMs for downscaling over multiple regions |
McSweeney, C. F., R. G. Jones, R. W. Lee, and D. P. Rowell |
2014 |
downscaling, climate modeling, climate change assessment |
Selecting from correlated climate variables: a major source of uncertainty for predicting species distributions under climate change |
Braunisch, Veronika, Coppes, Joy, Arlettaz, Raphael, Suchant, Rudi, Schmid, Hans, and Bollmann, Kurt |
2013 |
species distribution modeling, climate change projections |
Selecting from correlated climate variables: a major source of uncertainty for predicting species distributions under climate change |
Braunisch, Veronika, Coppes, Joy, Arlettaz, Raphael, Suchant, Rudi, Schmid, Hans, and Bollmann, Kurt |
2013 |
statistical methods, species distribution modeling, model uncertainty, climate change projections |
Selecting thresholds for the prediction of species occurrence with presence-only data |
Liu, Canran, White, Matt, and Newell, Graeme |
2013 |
species distribution modeling, statistical methods |
Selecting thresholds of occurrence in the prediction of species distributions |
Liu, Canran, Berry, Pam M., Dawson, Terence P., and Pearson, Richard G. |
2005 |
species distribution modeling, statistical methods |
Sensitivity of conservation planning to different approaches to using predicted species distribution data |
Wilson, K. A., M. I. Westphal, H. P. Possingham, and J. Elith |
2005 |
conservation planning, conservation prioritization, biodiversity management |
Sensitivity to climate change for two reptiles at the Mojave–Sonoran Desert interface |
Barrows, C.W. |
2011 |
reptiles, bioclimatic modeling, climate change vulnerability |
Setting conservation priorities |
Wilson, Kerrie A., Carwardine, Josie and Possingham, Hugh P. |
2009 |
conservation prioritization, conservation planning, biodiversity management |