County-level analysis of the impact of temperature and population increases on California wildfire data |
Baltar, M., J. E. Keeley, and F. P. Schoenberg |
2014 |
wildfire, temperature trends, urban growth |
Coupled impacts of sea-level rise and tidal marsh restoration on endangered California clapper rail |
Zhang, Hua and Gorelick, Steven M. |
2014 |
birds, Ridgeway's rail (California clapper rail), sea level rise, tidal marshes |
Creating climate projections to support the 4th California Climate Assessment |
Pierce, David W., Daniel R. Cayan, and Laurel Dehann |
2016 |
climate change projections, downscaling, climate modeling |
Cross-scale modeling of surface temperature and tree seedling establishment in mountain landscapes |
Dingman, John R., Sweet, Lynn C., McCullough, Ian, Davis, Frank W., Flint, Alan, Franklin, Janet, and Flint, Lorraine E. |
2013 |
microclimatology, bioclimatic modeling, surface temperature |
Cross-scale modeling of surface temperature and tree seedling establishment in mountain landscapes |
Dingman, John R., Lynn C. Sweet, Ian McCullough, Frank W. Davis, Alan Flint, Janet Franklin, and Lorraine E. Flint |
2013 |
microclimatology, temperature, downscaling, plants |
Cultural impacts to tribes from climate change influences on forests |
Voggeser, Garrit, Lynn, Kathy, Daigle, John, Lake, Frank K., and Ranco, Darren |
2013 |
indigenous peoples, biodiversity, forest management |
Culture Card - A Guide to Build Cultural Awareness - American Indian and Alaska Native |
Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration |
2009 |
human communities, indigenous peoples |
Culture, law, risk and governance: contexts of traditional knowledge in climate change adaptation |
Williams, Terry and Hardison, Preston |
2013 |
traditional ecological knowledge, climate change adaptation, ethics |
Current and future impacts of extreme events in California |
Mastrandea, Michael, Tebaldi, Claudia, Snyder, Carolyn, and Schneider, Stephen |
2011 |
climate change, extreme events, climate change projections |
Dam removal and anadromous salmonid (Oncorhynchus spp.) conservation in California |
Quinones, Rebecca M. , Grantham, Theodore E., Harvey, Brett N. , Kiernan, Joseph D., Klasson, Mick, Wintzer, Alpa P., Moyle, Peter B. |
May 21, 2014 |
dams, salmonids |
Dangers of using global bioclimatic datasets for ecological niche modeling. Limitations for future climate projections |
Bedia, Joaquin, Herrera, Sixto, Gutierrez, Jose Manuel |
2013 |
bioclimatic modeling, species distribution modeling, climate change impacts |
Dangers of using global bioclimatic datasets for ecological niche modeling. Limitations for future climate projections |
Bedia, Joaquin, Herrera, Sixto, and Gutiérrez, José Manuel |
2013 |
bioclimatic modeling, species distribution modeling, biodiversity |
Darcy's law predicts widespread forest mortality under climate warming |
McDowell, Nathan G., and Allen, Craig D. |
2015 |
forest management, biodiversity |
Dealing with Complexity and Extreme Events Using a Bottom-Up, Resource-Based Vulnerability Perspective |
Pielke, Roger A. Sr., Wilby, Rob, Niyogi, Dev, Hossain, Faisal, Dairuku, Koji, Kallos, George, Seastedt, Timothy, and Suding, Katherine |
2013 |
vulnerability assessment, climate change adaptation, decision making, adaptation planning |
Decision‐Making Under Uncertainty: An Assessment of Adaptation Strategies and Scenario Development for Resource Managers |
Moore, Sara, Zaveleta, Erika, and Shaw, Rebecca |
2012 |
climate change adaptation, resource management |
Declines of the California red-legged frog: climate, UV-B, habitat, and pesticides hypotheses |
Davidson, Carlos, Shaffer, H. Bradley, and Jennings, Mark R. |
2001 |
amphibians, pesticides, biological conservation |
Defining ecological drought for the 21st century |
Crausbay, Shelley D., Aaron R. Ramirez, Shawn L. Carter, Molly S. Cross, Kimberly R. Hall, Deborah J. Bathke, Julio L. Betancourt, et al. |
2017 |
drought, climate change vulnerability, ecosystem management |
Definition and Principles for Climate Smart Conservation |
Ellie Cohen, Point Blue Conservation Science |
September, 2013 |
climate-smart conservation |
Designing Climate-Smart Conservation: Guidance and Case Studies |
Hansen, L., Hoffman, J., Drews, C., Meilbrecht, E. |
2009 |
sea level rise, climate-smart conservation, adaptation, adaptive management, climate change, coral reefs, mangrove forests, resilience, sea turtles, mammals, case studies |
Designing ecological climate change impact assessments to reflect key climatic drivers |
Sofaer, Helen R, Joseph J Barsugli, Catherine S Jarnevich, John T Abatzoglou, Marian K Talbert, Brian W Miller, and Jeffrey T. Morisette |
2017 |
climate change impacts on biodiversity, bioclimatic modeling, climate change assessment |