Planning for persistence in marine reserves: a question of catastrophic importance |
Game, Edward T., Watts, Matthew E., Wooldrdge, Scott, and Possingham, Hugh P. |
2008 |
biodiversity management, coral reefs, conservation prioritization, extreme events |
Planning for reserve adequacy in dynamic landscapes; maximizing future representation of vegetation communities under flood disturbance in the Pantanal wetland |
Lourival, Reinaldo, Drechsler, Martin, Watts, Matthew E., Game, Edward T. and Possingham, Hugh P. |
wetlands, conservation prioritization, conservation planning |
Planning for the Impacts of Sea Level Rise |
Nicholls, R.J. |
2011 |
sea level rise |
Playing hide and seek with El Niño |
McPhaden, M. J. |
2015 |
El Niño - Southern Oscillation, climate variability |
Policy Issues in a Changing Climate For Voters, Elected Officials, Planners, and Policy Makers |
North Bay Climate Adaptation Initiative |
2013 |
climate change adaptation, decision making |
Pollination and other ecosystem services produced by mobile organisms: a conceptual framework for the effects of land-use change |
Kremen, Claire, Williams, Neal M., Aizen, Marcelo A., Gemmill-Herren, Barbara, LeBuhn, Gretchen, Minckley, Packer, Laurence, Potts, Simon G., Roulston, T'ai, Steffan-Dewenter, Ingolf, Vázquez, Diego P., Winfree, Rachael, Adams, Laurie, and 6 others |
2007 |
pollination, ecosystem services, land use |
Population and habitat objectives for avian conservation in California's Central Valley riparian ecosystems |
Dybala, Kristen E., Neil Clipperton, Thomas Gardali, Gregory H. Golet, Rodd Kelsey, Stefan Lorenzato, Jr Melcer, Nathaniel E. Seavy, Joseph G. Silveira, and Gregory S. Yarris |
2017 |
bird conservation, riparian ecosystems, conservation planning |
Population and habitat objectives for avian conservation in California’s Central Valley grassland–oak savannah ecosystems |
DiGaudio, Ryan T., Kristen E. Dybala, Nathaniel E. Seavy, and Thomas Gardali |
2017 |
grasslands, oak woodlands, bird conservation |
Population and habitat objectives for breeding shorebirds in California’s Central Valley |
Strum, Khara M., Kristen E. Dybala, Monica N. Iglecia, and W. David Shuford |
2017 |
population dynamics, wetlands, shorebirds |
Potential effects of global warming on the Sacramento/San Joaquin watershed and the San Francisco estuary |
Knowles, Noah and Cayan, Daniel R. |
2002 |
hydrology, hydrologic modeling, climate change impacts |
Potential Factors Affecting Survival Differ by Run-Timing and Location: Linear Mixed-Effects Models of Pacific Salmonids (Oncorhynchus spp.) in the Klamath River, California |
Quin˜ones1, Rebecca M., Holyoak, Marcel, Johnson1, Michael L., Moyle, Peter B. |
May 27, 2014 |
salmonids, biodiversity |
Potential Impacts of Climate Change on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services in the San Francisco Bay Area |
Ackerly, David D., Ryals, Rebecca A., Cornwell, Will K., Loarie, Scott R., Veloz, Sam, Higgason, Kelley D., Silver, Whendee L., and Dawson, Todd E. |
2012 |
climate change adaptation, conservation planning, ecosystem services |
Potential impacts of climate change on California hydrology |
Miller, Norman L., Bashford, Kathy E., and Strem, Eric |
2003 |
hydrologic modeling, water resources, climate change |
Potential impacts of global climate change on Tijuana River Watershed hydrology - an initial analysis |
Das, Tapash, Dettinger, Michael D., and Cayan, Daniel R. |
2010 |
climate change projections, hydrologic modeling |
Potential impacts of increased coastal flooding in California due to sea-level rise |
Heberger, Matthew, Cooley, Heather, Herrera, Pablo, Gleick, Peter, and Moore, Eli |
2011 |
sea level rise, coastal flooding, climate change |
Potential implications of PCM climate change scenarios for Sacramento–San Joaquin River basin hydrology and water resources |
VanRheenen, Nathan T., Wood, Andrew W., Palmer, Richard N., and Lettenmaier, Dennis P. |
2004 |
hydrologic modeling, climate change, water resources |
Potential increase in floods in California’s Sierra Nevada under future climate projections |
Das, Tapash, Dettinger, Michael, Cayan, Daniel, and Hidalgo, Hugo |
2011 |
flooding, climate change, water management |
Potential inundation due to rising sea levels in the San Francisco Bay Region |
Knowles, Noah |
March 2009 |
sea level rise, climate change |
Potential inundation due to rising sea levels in the San Francisco Bay Region |
Knowles, Noah |
2010 |
sea level rise, climate change |
Predicting changes in the distribution and abundance of species under environmental change |
Ehrlén, Johan, and William F. Morris |
2015 |
population dynamics, species distribution modeling, climate change impacts on biodiversity |