List Documents in Library

Title Author Datesort descending Subjects
Effects of pool characteristics on California tiger salamander larval density at Dutchman Creek Conservation Bank, Merced County Brand, A. L., Scherer, R., and Hansen, E. February, 2016 California tiger salamander
GOES-derived fog and low cloud indices for coastal north and central California ecological analyses Torregrosa, A., C. Combs, and J. Peters February, 2016 fog
Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment & Adaptation Strategies for Sierra Nevada Resources; Sierra Nevada Workshop Series October 14-­17, 2014 Workshop Summary Report Kershner, Jessi, Whitney Reynier January 2015 vulnerability assessment, adaptation planning
Third National Climate Assessment Report- Draft for Public Review National Climate Assessment Development and Advisory Committee (NCADAC) January, 2013 climate change assessment
Wildlife in a Warming World Staudt, Amanda, Shott, Corey. Inkley, Doug and Ricker, Isabel January, 2013 climate change adaptation, wildlife, biodiversity management
A Framework for Modeling Anthropogenic Impacts on Waterbird Habitats—Addressing Future Uncertainty in Conservation Planning Matchett, E.L., J.P. Fleskes, C.A. Young, D.R. Purkey January, 2015 waterbirds, bird conservation, conservation planning, decision making under uncertainty
Integrated climate and land use change scenarios for California rangeland ecosystem services: wildlife habitat, soil carbon, and water supply Byrd, Kristin B., Lorraine E. Flint, P. Alvarez, C. F. Casey, B. M. Sleeter, C. E. Soulard, Alan L. Flint, T. L. Sohl January, 2015 rangelands, ecosystem services, soil carbon, habitat conservation, water resources
A climate change vulnerability assessment of California’s terrestrial vegetation Thorne, J.H., R.M. Boynton, A.J. Holguin, J.A.E. Stewart, J. Bjorkman January, 2016 vulnerability assessment, biodiversity, vegetation, vegetation modeling
Projected Impacts of Climate, Urbanization, Water Management, and Wetland Restoration on Waterbird Habitat in California’s Central Valley Elliott L. Matchett and Joseph. P. Fleskes January, 2017 waterbirds, wetlands
Global and Regional Sea Level Rise Scenarios for the United States Sweet, William V., Robert E. Kopp, Christopher P. Weaver, Jayantha Obeysekera, Radley M. Horton, E. Robert Thieler, and Chris Zervas January, 2017 sea level rise, model uncertainty, scenario planning
Climate Exposure of US National Parks in a New Era of Change Monahan, W. B., and N. A. Fisichelli July 2, 2014 national parks, climate change assessment
California Climate Adaptation Planning Guide State of California July 2012 vulnerability assessment, adaptation planning, human communities
Maintaining Resilience in the Face of Climate Change Camacho, A. E., and T. D. Beard. July, 2014 resilience
Considering Multiple Futures: Scenario Planning To Address Uncertainty in Natural Resource Conservation Erika L. Rowland, Molly S. Cross, Holly Hartmann July, 2014 scenario planning
A Geographic Mosaic of Climate Change Impacts on Terrestrial Vegetation: Which Areas Are Most at Risk? Ackerly, D. D., W. K. Cornwell, S. B. Weiss, L. E. Flint, and A. L. Flint June, 2015 vegetation modeling, biodiversity
Local and Landscape Habitat Associations of Shorebirds in Wetlands of the Sacramento Valley of California Reiter, M. E., M. A. Wolder, J. E. Isola, D. Jongsomjit, C. M. Hickey, M. Carpenter, and J. G. Silveira June, 2015 migratory birds, waterbirds
Resilient Sites for Terrestrial Conservation in the Northwest Buttrick, S., B. Unnasch, M. Schindel, K. Popper, S. Scott, A. Jones, B. McRae, M. Finnerty. March 15, 2014 (1.1) climate change assessment, resilience, refugia, landscape conservation planning
Ecological Change on California's Channel Islands from the Pleistocene to the Anthropocene Rick, T. C., T. S. Sillett, C. K. Ghalambor, C. A. Hofman, K. Ralls, R. S. Anderson, C. L. Boser, T. J. Braje, D. R. Cayan, R. T. Chesser, P. W. Collins, J. M. Erlandson, K. R. Faulkner, R. Fleischer, W. C. Funk, R. Galipeau, A. Huston, J. King, L. Laughr March 18, 2014 ecological change
Potential inundation due to rising sea levels in the San Francisco Bay Region Knowles, Noah March 2009 sea level rise, climate change
Tools for Coastal Climate Adaptation Planning: A guide for selecting tools to assist with ecosystem-based climate planning Rozum, John S. and Carr, Sarah D. March 2013 sea level rise, coastal adaptation planning, adaptation planning
