Adapting to Climate Change State of the Science for North Bay Watersheds: A Guide for Managers

The North Bay Watershed Association (NBWA) commissioned this guide to assess and summarize potential climate change impacts to the hydrology of basins draining to the North San Pablo Bay portion of the San Francisco Bay Estuary based on “the state of the science.” Results include estimates of climate and hydrology parameters down to the watershed scale (completed as part of this study) combined with a summary of the potential extent of sea level rise anticipated over the next century (completed in an earlier study by US Geological Survey for the Bay Conservation and Development Commission). Relevant technical journal articles cited here provide details on methodologies and results.
Please see also: Downscaling future climate projections to the watershed scale: a North San Francisco Bay Estuary case study
Micheli, et. al. 2010. Adapting to Climate Change State of the Science for North Bay Watersheds: A Guide for Managers. Pepperwood Preserve, Santa Rosa, CA.